Sunday, November 10, 2013


One of my favorite things about visiting Korea two years ago was visiting my best friend. Our meeting in 2012 was almost like an anniversary for us, because it had been years since we had last seen each other. On that day, we went shopping together and ate しゃぶしゃぶ。Of course, we also took lots of sticker pictures(プリクラ)together!

We both agreed that the にほんのプリクラbooths were the best! The backgrounds were really pretty and you could add really interesting effects. We had a time limit because there were a few people waiting to use the machine after us, but if you happen to have unlimited time, you're able to spend as much time as you want editing hair, eye color, and decorations. Once you take them, they're printed out for you as stickers, and if you choose, you could get them laminated. If you use them as stickers, you could stick them onto your books or folders, but I always keep mine laminated because I treasure them as rare memories. With recent technological developments, they now make it so that you can send your pictures straight to your phone. Technology はほんとにすぎおですね。

My friend, Ayoung, managed to 'dye' her hair green/black for this picture.

The pictures are taken on a green screen, so you can super impose yourself onto a patterned background, or outline yourself with a a wallpaper! You can also draw onto the photo, add frames, and add stickers/accessories.

I think this is one of my favorites... I love the background and it really makes me miss my best friend...! Naturally, there's something very silly and whimsical about プリクラ, but when I look at the プリクラ on my wall, I become reminded me of my treasured best friend, which makes me look forward to spending more moments with her, even if they are in the non-immediate future.

My best friend currently live in Korea, so we haven't lived in the same country for the past four or five years. She has been studying Japanese since her freshman year of high school (approximately six years ago), so she is so knows a lot more Japanese than I do at the moment. I really wish to catch up to her though! Sometimes she practices with me.

We talk a lot about visiting Japan together. いつかいしょににほんへいきます。それから、とうきょうやきょとへいきます。I suppose we can also visit many プリクラ when we go to Japan! そしてwe really want to visit おおきなわ together, because we've heard that the sea/beach areas are really beautiful. I personally want to visit あきた!さむいですが、きれいです。These plans aren't quite concrete yet, but surely we'll make it a reality.


  1. 二人(ふたり)とも、とても 可愛く(かわいく)写っていますね!
    「Technology はほんとにすぎおですね。」 これはたぶん、「テクノロジーは 本当(ほんとう)に すごいですね。」ですね。ブログを読んで、わたしも、そう思いました!
    TA みずこし

    1. ありがとうございます!! いいところがたくさなりますから、we will have to hope to take many trips. If only there were infinite amounts of time and money in the world!!

  2. I like ぷりくら too, but the recent one changes our faces too much.haha にほんにくるのをまっています!I have a friend in Korea, too. I wanna visit there!

    1. そうですねwww I hope that you'll be able to visit Korea soon! ほんとのたのしいくのです!おいしときれおなレストランがたくさんあります。^^

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. btw, this is a project we did in the class. Please take a look at this and give me a feedback:)

    This is Saki Matsuda, a student of Ritsumeikan University studying International Business. I am eager to work at Amy’s ice cream store because I am so attracted by how you run your ice cream store and the atmosphere of the working place. I am a frank person and also a positive person who can take things easy.
    I made a stage for the performance with the paper bag. It might be hard for you to understand what I made with my paper bag, but this is what I am passionate about. I am in a fashion club in my university and working hard to create clothes for fashion shows. I am so interested in preparing something to provide fantastic performance for the audiences. I am sure my interest will greatly contributes to the working style of Amy’s ice cream store.
    By using the knowledge of what I learned through the experiences of producing fashion shows, I would like to contribute to holding the theme nights at Amy’s. I think it will be great if we can hold a fashion show in which clothes express different flavors of ice creams. For example, chocolate ice cream will be a brown puffy dress with the big spoon on the back. The detail of design is something cute and adorable. I am sure that it will be worth seeing and the audience will be attracted to the colorful clothes that represent various flavors of ice cream.
    I am so looking forward to working at your ice cream store and holding amazing theme nights for everyone.


    1. Everyone in my class voted today! がんばってください、さきさん!!
