Monday, October 7, 2013


I'm a really big fan of photography, and even though I'm an amateur photographer myself, I love to look at photos of different architecture and scenery.
Japanese scenery leaves an impact on me especially, because the natural tones are crisp, bright, and and warm, while the the urban color palette and architecture are cool, muted, and smooth. 
Such makes for an interest contrast and sense of balance, which is extremely aesthetically pleasing.
かわちふじにわ:One of the places that I have most wanted to visit for a long time! ふじのはな are my favorite.
大阪城 (おおさかじょう):うつくしいしろ。A really beautiful and classic castle in Japan.
ならのならこえんのなら。My cousin who visited Japan told me that there are so many なら (deer), and that they come up to people and like to be petted/fed. すごいですね!
とうきょう:The colors are dark and cold, but feel smooth and mysterious.
にほんおちかてつ:きれいでしょ?... Sometimes the New York Subway trains look dirty in comparison!

Narita Airport
なりたくうこう:The interior of なりたくうこう itself has a clean and minimalistic design.
えちごゆざわえき: Among the resort areas in Japan, えちごゆざわえき is supposedly popular for its skiing and おんせん。The fog and snow give the area a very mystical feeling.

I don't quite have the skill or vocabulary to talk about these places in Japanese (in full detail), but I hope to study Japanese and be able talk about these places, as well as visit these places (and more!)


  1. ハナさん、きれいなしゃしんどうもありがとうございます。You really do have a great photographer eye! ふつうのけしきが、とてもかっこよくみえます。ハナさんのしゃしんもみたいです。TAむらい

    1. ありがとうございます!I really hope to go to Japan in the future and see these places for myself. I love to travel and explore new places.

  2. こんにちは、さきです。とてもきれいなしゃしんですね。わたしはならこうえんからいちじかんくらいのところにすんでいます。I live in about one hour away from Nara park. You wrote なりたひこうじょう but we call it なりたくうこう. くうこう means same as ひこうじょう(airport) but we do not usually say ひこうじょう. I love these pictures!!

    1. こんいちはさくさん!
      そうですか!どうですかならこえん? すてきですか?
      じゃあ、なりたくうこうですね。ありがとうございます!I will correct it right now!

  3. そうですね!I really wish that New York City would update the subway system, especially when subway systems that are comparatively immaculate exist. Hopefully the day will come when New York will seriously revamp their transit system. You would expect better from one of the most renown cities in the world!
